Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question? Discover our FAQ which will allow you to answer all your questions about our products, your order, your payment, your delivery.

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How long do I have to wear my recovery socks?

How do I wash my BV SPORT products?

Use of recovery socks?

Can I wear my compression sleeves in recovery?

When should I wear my compression sleeves?

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How do I track my order?

What is the refund period for an order?

Who pays the return costs?

How do I return an order or item?

I can't validate my payment, what should I do?

What payment methods are available?

How to unsubscribe from the newsletter?

How do I delete my account?

How do I change my personal information ?

I forgot my password, how?

How do I find a reseller store near me?